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Default Values for load-test-grpc

### Defaults values for this experiment chart.

### The documentation follows Helm recommendations described in the URL below.


### host  Host and port of the gRPC service
### This field is required.
host: null

### call  Fully-qualified method name.
### Specified in 'package.Service/method' or 'package.Service.Method' format.
### This field is required.
call: null

### protoURL  URL where the Protocol Buffer file that defines the gRPC service is located.
protoURL: null

### connectTimeout  Connection timeout duration for the initial connection dial.
connectTimeout: 10s

### total Number of requests to run.
total:  200

### maxDuration Maximum duration for the experiment to send requests 
### with 'total' setting respected. 
### If duration is reached before 'total' requests are completed, 
### experiment stops sending requests. Examples: 10s, 3m.
maxDuration: null

### duration Duration for the experiment to send requests. 
### When duration is reached, experiment stops sending requests. 
### If duration is specified, 'total' is ignored. Examples: 10s, 3m.
duration: null

### rps   Rate limit in how many requsts per second (RPS) we perform in total. 
### Default is no rate limit. The total RPS will be distributed among all the workers 
### as specified by concurrency options.
rps:  null

### concurrency Number of workers to run concurrently.
concurrency:  50

### connections Number of connections to use.
### Concurrency is distributed evenly among all the connections.
connections:  1

### data  Call data in the map[string]interface{} format.
### When data is specified, it takes precedence over dataURL and binaryDataURL.
data: null

### dataURL URL pointing to a JSON file whose contents are to be used as call data.
### This takes precedence over binaryDataURL.
dataURL: null

### binaryDataURL URL pointing to a binary file containing serialized binary message 
### or multiple count-prefixed messages, to be used as call data.
binaryDataURL: null

### metadata  Call metadata in the map[string]string format.
### When metadata is specified, it takes precedence over metadataURL.
metadata: null

### metadataURL URL pointing to a JSON file whose contents are to be used as call metadata.
metadataURL: null

### SLOs    A map of service level objectives (SLOs) that the app needs to satisfy.
### Metrics collected during the load test are used to verify if the app satisfies SLOs.
### Each SLO has a key which is the metric name, 
### and a value which is the upper limit on the metric.
### Valid metric names are error-rate, error-count, latency/max, latency/mean, 
### latency/stddev, and latency/pX, where X is any latency percentile 
### (i.e., any float value between 0 and 100).
SLOs: null
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