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Install Iter8

Install the latest stable release of the Iter8 CLI using brew as follows.

brew tap iter8-tools/iter8
brew install iter8
Install a specific version

You can install the latest stable release of the Iter8 CLI with specific major and minor version numbers. For example, the following command installs the latest stable release of the Iter8 CLI with major 0 and minor 8.

brew tap iter8-tools/iter8
brew install iter8@0.8

Pre-compiled Iter8 binaries for many platforms are available here. Uncompress the iter8-X-Y.tar.gz archive for your platform, and move the iter8 binary to any folder in your PATH.

Build Iter8 from source as follows. Go 1.17+ is a pre-requisite.

# you can replace master with a specific tag such as v0.8.29
export REF=master$REF
cd iter8
make install

Install the latest stable release of the Iter8 CLI using go 1.17+ as follows.

go install
You can now run iter8 (from your gopath bin/ directory)

Install a specific version

You can also install Iter8 CLI with a specific tag. For example, the following command installs version 0.8.29 of the Iter8 CLI.

go install

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