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SLO Validation with Payload

Validate SLOs for an app that receives a payload through an HTTP POST API

Problem: You have a Kubernetes app that receives a payload through an HTTP POST API. You want to verify that it satisfies latency and error rate SLOs.

Solution: In this tutorial, you will launch a Kubernetes app that implements a POST API that receives a payload, along with an Iter8 experiment. Iter8 will validate that the app satisfies latency and error-based objectives (SLOs) using built-in metrics. During this validation, Iter8 will generate HTTP POST requests with a payload for the app.

SLO Validation

Setup Kubernetes cluster and local environment
  1. If you completed the Iter8 getting-started tutorial (highly recommended), you may skip the remaining steps of setup.
  2. Setup Kubernetes cluster
  3. Install Iter8 in Kubernetes cluster
  4. Get Helm 3.4+.
  5. Get iter8ctl
  6. Fork the Iter8 GitHub repo. Clone your fork, and set the ITER8 environment variable as follows.
    export USERNAME=<your GitHub username>
    git clone$USERNAME/iter8.git
    cd iter8
    export ITER8=$(pwd)

1. Create app

The httpbin app consists of a Kubernetes deployment and service. Deploy the app as follows.

kubectl apply -n default -f $ITER8/samples/deployments/httpbin/deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -n default -f $ITER8/samples/deployments/httpbin/service.yaml

1.a) Verify app is running

Verify that the app is running using these instructions
# do this in a separate terminal
# port-forward the app
kubectl port-forward -n default svc/httpbin 8080:80
curl http://localhost:8080/post -X POST -d @$ITER8/samples/deployments/httpbin/payload.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Curl output will be similar to the following.

  "args": {}, 
  "data": "{  \"hello\": \"world\",  \"goodbye\": \"world\"}", 
  "files": {}, 
  "form": {}, 
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*", 
    "Content-Length": "41", 
    "Content-Type": "application/json", 
    "Host": "localhost:8080", 
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.64.1"
  "json": {
    "goodbye": "world", 
    "hello": "world"
  "origin": "", 
  "url": "http://localhost:8080/post"

2. Launch Iter8 experiment

Deploy an Iter8 experiment for SLO validation of the app as follows.

helm upgrade -n default my-exp $ITER8/samples/slo-validation \
  --set URL='http://httpbin.default.svc.cluster.local/post' \
  --set payloadURL='' \
  --set contentType='application/json' \
  --set limitMeanLatency=100.0 \
  --set limitErrorRate=0.0 \
  --set limit95thPercentileLatency=200.0 \

The above command creates an Iter8 experiment that generates HTTP requests, collects latency and error rate metrics for the app, and verifies that the app satisfies mean latency (100 msec), error rate (0.0), 95th percentile tail latency (200 msec) SLOs. These HTTP requests are POST requests and use the JSON data from the payloadURL specified in the command as request payload.

View the manifest created by the Helm command, the default values used by the Helm chart, and the actual values used by the Helm release using the instructions in this step.

3. Observe experiment

Observe the experiment by following these steps.

4. Cleanup

helm uninstall -n default my-exp
kubectl delete -n default -f $ITER8/samples/deployments/httpbin/service.yaml
kubectl delete -n default -f $ITER8/samples/deployments/httpbin/deploy.yaml

Reuse with your app

Reuse the above experiment with your app by replacing the httpbin app with your app, and modifying the Helm values appropriately.

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