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Metric Resource

Metric resource

Iter8 defines the Metric resource type, which encapsulates the REST query that is used to retrieve a metric value from the metrics provider. Metric resources are referenced in experiments.


This document describes version v2alpha2 of Iter8's metric API.

Metrics usage is documented here. Iter8 provides a set of built-in metrics that are documented here. Creation of custom metrics is documented here. It is also possible to mock metric values; mock metrics are documented here.

Sample metric
kind: Metric
  name: request-count
  - name: query
    value: |
      sum(increase(revision_app_request_latencies_count{revision_name='$revision'}[$elapsedTime])) or on() vector(0)
  description: Number of requests
  type: counter
  provider: prometheus
  jqExpression: ".data.result[0].value[1] | tonumber"
  urlTemplate: http://prometheus-operated.iter8-system:9090/api/v1/query      


Standard Kubernetes meta.v1/ObjectMeta resource.


Field name Field type Description Required
description string Human readable description. This field is meant for informational purposes. No
units string Units of measurement. This field is meant for informational purposes. No
provider string Type of the metrics provider (example, prometheus, newrelic, sysdig, elastic, ...). The keyword iter8 is reserved for Iter8 built-in metrics. No
params []NamedValue List of name/value pairs corresponding to the name and value of the HTTP query parameters used by Iter8 when querying the metrics provider. Each name represents a parameter name; the corresponding value is a string template with placeholders; the placeholders will be dynamically substituted by Iter8 with values at query time. No
body string String used to construct the JSON body of the HTTP request. Body may be templated, in which Iter8 will attempt to substitute placeholders in the template at query time using version information. No
type string Metric type. Valid values are Counter and Gauge. Default value = Gauge. A Counter metric is one whose value never decreases over time. A Gauge metric is one whose value may increase or decrease over time. No
method string HTTP method (verb) used in the HTTP request. Valid values are GET and POST. Default value = GET. No
authType string Identifies the type of authentication used in the HTTP request. Valid values are Basic, Bearer and APIKey which correspond to HTTP authentication with these respective methods. No
sampleSize string Reference to a metric that represents the number of data points over which the value of this metric is computed. This field applies only to Gauge metrics. References can be expressed in the form 'name' or 'namespace/name'. If just name is used, the implied namespace is the namespace of the referring metric. No
secret string Reference to a secret that contains information used for authenticating with the metrics provider. In particular, Iter8 uses data in this secret to substitute placeholders in the HTTP headers and URL while querying the provider. References can be expressed in the form 'name' or 'namespace/name'. If just name is used, the implied namespace is the namespace where Iter8 is installed (which is iter8-system by default). No
headerTemplates []NamedValue List of name/value pairs corresponding to the name and value of the HTTP request headers used by Iter8 when querying the metrics provider. Each name represents a header field name; the corresponding value is a string template with placeholders; the placeholders will be dynamically substituted by Iter8 with values at query time. Placeholder substitution is attempted only if authType and secret fields are present. No
jqExpression string The jq expression used by Iter8 to extract the metric value from the JSON response returned by the provider. This field may be omitted if the metric is mocked. No
urlTemplate string Template for the metric provider's URL. Typically, urlTemplate is expected to be the actual URL without any placeholders. However, urlTemplate may be templated, in which case, Iter8 will attempt to substitute placeholders in the urlTemplate at query time using the secret referenced in the metric. Placeholder substitution will not be attempted if secret is not specified. This field may be omitted if the metric is mocked. No
urlTemplate string Template for the metric provider's URL. Typically, urlTemplate is expected to be the actual URL without any placeholders. However, urlTemplate may be templated, in which case, Iter8 will attempt to substitute placeholders in the urlTemplate at query time using the secret referenced in the metric. Placeholder substitution will not be attempted if secret is not specified. This field may be omitted if the metric is mocked. No
mock []NamedLevel Information on how to mock this metric. The presence of this fields indicates that this metric will be mocked; the absence of this field indicates that this is a real metric. No
Named Level
Field name Field type Description Required
name string Name of the version. Version names should be unique. Version name should match the name of a version in the experiment's versionInfo section. If not, any value generated for the non-matching name will be ignored. Yes
level string Level of a version. The semantics of level are as follows. If the metric is a counter, if level is x, and time elapsed since the start of the experiment is y seconds, then xy is the mocked metric value. This will keep increasing the metric value over time. If the metric is gauge, if level is x, the metric value is a random value with mean x. The expected value of the mocked metric is x; the actual value may increase or decrease over time. Yes
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