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Experiment Resource

Experiment resource

Iter8's Experiment resource type enables application developers and service operators to automate A/B, A/B/n, Canary and Conformance experiments for Kubernetes apps/ML models. The controls provided by the experiment resource type encompass testing, deployment, traffic engineering, and version promotion functions.

Sample experiment
kind: Experiment
  name: quickstart-exp
  # target identifies the knative service under experimentation using its fully qualified name
  target: default/sample-app
    testingPattern: A/B
    deploymentPattern: Progressive
      finish: # run the following sequence of tasks at the end of the experiment
      - if: CandidateWon()
        run: kubectl apply -f
      - if: not CandidateWon()
        run: kubectl apply -f
    requestCount: iter8-knative/request-count
    rewards: # Business rewards
    - metric: iter8-knative/user-engagement
      preferredDirection: High # maximize user engagement
    - metric: iter8-knative/mean-latency
      upperLimit: 50
    - metric: iter8-knative/95th-percentile-tail-latency
      upperLimit: 100
    - metric: iter8-knative/error-rate
      upperLimit: "0.01"
    intervalSeconds: 10
    iterationsPerLoop: 5
    # information about app versions used in this experiment
      name: sample-app-v1
        kind: Service
        name: sample-app
        namespace: default
        fieldPath: .spec.traffic[0].percent
    - name: sample-app-v2
        kind: Service
        name: sample-app
        namespace: default
        fieldPath: .spec.traffic[1].percent


This document describes version v2alpha2 of Iter8's experiment API.


Standard Kubernetes meta.v1/ObjectMeta resource.


Field name Field type Description Required
target string Identifies the app under experimentation and determines which experiments can run concurrently. Experiments that have the same target value will not be scheduled concurrently but will be run sequentially in the order of their creation timestamps. Experiments whose target values differ from each other can be scheduled by Iter8 concurrently. Yes
strategy Strategy The experimentation strategy which specifies how app versions are tested, how traffic is shifted during experiment, and what tasks are executed at the start and end of the experiment. Yes
criteria Criteria Criteria used for evaluating versions. This section includes (business) rewards, service-level objectives (SLOs) and indicators (SLIs). No
duration Duration Duration of the experiment. No
versionInfo VersionInfo Versions involved in the experiment. Every experiment involves a baseline version, and may involve zero or more candidates. No


Field name Field type Description Required
conditions []ExperimentCondition A set of conditions that express progress of an experiment. No
initTime metav1.Time The time the experiment is created. No
startTime metav1.Time The time when the first iteration of experiment begins No
lastUpdateTime metav1.Time The time when the status was most recently updated. No
stage string Indicator of the progress of an experiment. The stage is Waiting before an experiment executes its start action, Initializing while running the start action, Running while the experiment has begun its first iteration and is progressing, Finishing while any finish action is running and Completed when the experiment terminates. No
completedIterations int32 Number of completed iterations of the experiment. This is undefined until the experiment reaches the Running stage. No
currentWeightDistribution []WeightData The latest observed split of traffic between versions. Expressed as percentage. Iter8 ensures that this field is current until the final iteration of the experiment. Iter8 will cease to update this field once a finish action is invoked. No
analysis Analysis Result of latest query to the Iter8 analytics service. No
versionRecommendedForPromotion string The version recommended for promotion. This field is initially populated by Iter8 as the baseline version and continuously updated during the course of the experiment to match the winner. The value of this field is typically used by finish actions to promote a version at the end of an experiment. No
metrics []MetricInfo A list of metrics referenced in the criteria section of this experiment. No
message string Human readable message. No

Experiment field types


Field name Field type Description Required
testingPattern string Determines the logic used to evaluate the app versions and determine the winner of the experiment. Iter8 supports two testing strategies, namely, Canary and Conformance. Yes
deploymentPattern string Determines if and how traffic is shifted during an experiment. This field is relevant only for experiments using the Canary testing pattern. Iter8 supports two deployment patterns, namely, Progressive and FixedSplit. No
actions map[ActionType][]TaskSpec An action is a sequence of tasks that can be executed by Iter8. ActionType is a string enum with three valid values: start, loop, and finish. The start action, if specified, is executed at the start of the experiment. The loop action, if specified, is executed during every loop of the experiment, after all the iterations within the loop have completed. The finish action, if specified, is executed at the end of the experiment after all the loops have completed. The actions field is used to specify all three types of actions. No


Specification of a task that will be executed as part of experiment actions. Tasks are documented here.

Field name Field type Description Required
task string Name of the task. Task names express both the library and the task within the library in the format 'library/task' . Yes
condition string Execute the task only if the specified condition is satisfied. Two built-in conditions are supported namely, WinnerFound() and CandidateWon(). They can be combined with predicates like not: not WinnerFound() and not CandidateWon() are also valid conditions.1 No
with map[string]apiextensionsv1.JSON Inputs to the task. No


Field name Field type Description Required
requestCount string Reference to the metric used to count the number of requests sent to app versions. No
rewards Reward[] A list of metrics along with their preferred directions. Currently, this list needs to be of size one. This field can only be used in experiments with A/B and A/B/n testing patterns. No
objectives Objective[] A list of metrics along with acceptable upper limits, lower limits, or both upper and lower limits for them. Iter8 will verify if app versions satisfy these objectives. No
indicators string[] A list of metric references. Iter8 will collect and report the values of these metrics in addition to those referenced in the objectives section. No

Note: References to metric resource objects within experiment criteria should be in the namespace/name format or in the name format. If the name format is used (i.e., if only the name of the metric is specified), then Iter8 searches for the metric in the namespace of the experiment resource. If Iter8 cannot find the metric, then the reference is considered invalid and the experiment will terminate in a failure.


Field name Field type Description Required
metric string Reference to a metric resource. Also see note on metric references. Yes
upperLimit Quantity Upper limit on the metric value. If specified, for a version to satisfy this objective, its metric value needs to be below the limit. No
lowerLimit Quantity Lower limit on the metric value. If specified, for a version to satisfy this objective, its metric value needs to be above the limit. No


Field name Field type Description Required
metric string Reference to a metric resource. Also see note on metric references. Yes
preferredDirection string Indicates if higher values or lower values of this metric are preferable. High and Low are the two permissible values for this string. Yes


The duration of the experiment.

Field name Field type Description Required
maxLoops int32 Maximum number of loops in the experiment. In case of a failure, the experiment may be terminated earlier. Default value = 1. No
iterationsPerLoop int32 Number of iterations per experiment loop. In case of a failure, the experiment may be terminated earlier. Default value = 15. No
intervalSeconds int32 Duration of a single iteration of the experiment in seconds. Default value = 20 seconds. No

Note: Suppose an experiment has maxLoops = x, iterationsPerLoop = y, and intervalSeconds = z. Assuming the experiment does not terminate early due to failures, it would take a minimum of x*y*z seconds to complete. The actual duration may be more due to additional time incurred in acquiring the target, and executing the start, loop and finish actions.


spec.versionInfo describes the app versions involved in the experiment. Every experiment involves a baseline version, and may involve zero or more candidates.

Field name Field type Description Required
baseline VersionDetail Details of the current or baseline version. Yes
candidates []VersionDetail Details of the candidate version or versions, if any. No

Number of versions

  1. Conformance experiments involve only a single version (baseline). Hence, in these experiments, the candidates field must be omitted.
  2. A/B and Canary experiments involve two versions, a baseline and a candidate. Hence, the candidates field must be a list of length one in these experiments.
  3. A/B/n experiments involve three or more versions. Hence, in these experiments, the candidates field must be of length two or more.


Field name Field type Description Required
name string Name of the version. Yes
variables []NamedValue Variables are name-value pairs associated with a version. Metrics and tasks within experiment specs can contain strings with placeholders. Iter8 uses variables to substitute placeholders in these strings. No
weightObjRef corev1.ObjectReference Reference to a Kubernetes resource and a field-path within the resource. Iter8 uses weightObjRef to get or set weight (traffic percentage) for the version. No


Field name Field type Description Required
name string Identifies an Iter8 metric using the namespace/name or name format. Yes
metric []Metric Iter8 metric object referenced by name. No


Conditions express aspects of the progress of an experiment. The Completed condition indicates whether or not an experiment has completed. The Failed condition indicates whether or not an experiment completed successfully or in failure. The TargetAcquired condition indicates that an experiment has acquired the target and is now scheduled to run. At any point in time, for any given target, Iter8 ensures that at most one experiment has the conditions TargetAcquired set to True and Completed set to False.

Field name Field type Description Required
type string Type of condition. Valid types are TargetAcquired, Completed and Failed. Yes
status corev1.ConditionStatus status of condition, one of True, False, or Unknown. Yes
lastTransitionTime metav1.Time The last time any field in the condition was changed. No
reason string A reason for the change in value. No
message string Human readable decription. No


Field name Field type Description Required
aggregatedBuiltinHists AggregatedBuiltinHists This field is used to store intermediate results from the metrics/collect task that enables built-in metrics. Reserved for Iter8 internal use. No
aggregatedMetrics AggregatedMetricsAnalysis Most recently observed metric values for all metrics referenced in the experiment criteria. No
winnerAssessment WinnerAssessmentAnalysis Information about the winner of the experiment. No
versionAssessments VersionAssessmentAnalysis For each version, a summary analysis identifying whether or not the version is satisfying the experiment criteria. No
weights WeightsAnalysis Recommended weight distribution to be applied before the next iteration of the experiment. No


Field name Field type Description Required
provenance string Source of the data. Currently, Iter8 built-in metrics collect task is the only valid value for this field. Reserved for Iter8 internal use. Yes
timestamp metav1.Time The time when this field was last updated. Reserved for Iter8 internal use. Yes
message string Human readable message. Reserved for Iter8 internal use. No
data apiextensionsv1.JSON Aggregated histogram data for storing intermediate results for built-in metics collection. Reserved for Iter8 internal use. No


Field name Field type Description Required
provenance string Source of the data. Currently, Iter8 analytics service URL is the only value for this field. Yes
timestamp metav1.Time The time when the analysis took place. Yes
message string Human readable message. No
data map[string][]bool map of version name to a list of boolean values, one for each objective specified in the experiment criteria, indicating whether not the objective is satisified. No


Field name Field type Description Required
provenance string Source of the data. Currently, Iter8 analytics service URL is the only value for this field. Yes
timestamp metav1.Time The time when the analysis took place. Yes
message string Human readable message. No
data map[string]AggregatedMetricsData Map from metric name to most recent data (from all versions) for the metric. Yes


Field name Field type Description Required
max Quantity The maximum value observed for this metric accross all versions. Yes
min Quantity The minimum value observed for this metric accross all versions. Yes
data map[string]AggregatedMetricsVersionData A map from version name to the most recent aggregated metrics data for that version. No


Field name Field type Description Required
max Quantity The maximum value observed for this metric for this version over all observations. No
min Quantity The minimum value observed for this metric for this version over all observations. No
value Quantity The value. No
sampleSize int32 The number of requests observed by this version. No


Field name Field type Description Required
provenance string Source of the data. Currently, Iter8 analytics service URL is the only value for this field. Yes
timestamp metav1.Time The time when the analysis took place. Yes
message string Human readable message. No
data WinnerAssessmentData Details on whether or not a winner has been identified and which version if so. No


Field name Field type Description Required
winnerFound bool Whether or not a winner has been identified. Yes
winner string The name of the identified winner, if one has been found. No


Field name Field type Description Required
provenance string Source of the data. Currently, Iter8 analytics service URL is the only value for this field. Yes
timestamp metav1.Time The time when the analysis took place. Yes
message string Human readable message. No
data []WeightData List of version name/value pairs representing a recommended weight for each version No


Field name Field type Description Required
name string Version name Yes
value int32 Percentage of traffic being sent to the version. Yes

Common field types


Field name Field type Description Required
name string Name of a variable. Yes
value string Value of a variable. Yes

  1. This feature uses the expr Go expression library. The Experiment Go struct is used as the environment for expression evaluation. Hence, .Status.Analysis != nil is also a valid condition. 

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