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Using Metrics in Experiments

Iter8 metric resources

Iter8 defines a custom Kubernetes resource (CRD) called Metric that makes it easy to define and use metrics in experiments.

Iter8 installation includes a set of pre-defined built-in metrics that pertain to app/ML model latency/errors. You can also define custom metrics that enable you to utilize data from Prometheus, New Relic, Sysdig, Elastic or any other database of your choice.

List metrics

Find the set Iter8 metrics available in your cluster using kubectl get.

kubectl get --all-namespaces
NAMESPACE         NAME                      TYPE      DESCRIPTION
iter8-kfserving   user-engagement           Gauge     Average duration of a session
iter8-system      error-count               Counter   Number of responses with HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      error-rate                Gauge     Fraction of responses with HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      latency-50th-percentile   Gauge     50th percentile (median) latency (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      latency-75th-percentile   Gauge     75th percentile latency (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      latency-90th-percentile   Gauge     90th percentile latency (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      latency-95th-percentile   Gauge     95th percentile latency (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      latency-99th-percentile   Gauge     99th percentile latency (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      mean-latency              Gauge     Mean latency (Iter8 built-in metric)
iter8-system      request-count             Counter   Number of requests (Iter8 built-in metric)

Referencing metrics within experiments

Use metrics in experiments by referencing them in the criteria section of the experiment manifest. Reference metrics using the namespace/name or name format.

Sample experiment illustrating the use of metrics
kind: Experiment
    requestCount: iter8-knative/request-count
    # mean latency of version should be under 50 milliseconds
    # 95th percentile latency should be under 100 milliseconds
    # error rate should be under 1%
    - metric: iter8-knative/mean-latency
      upperLimit: 50
    - metric: iter8-knative/95th-percentile-tail-latency
      upperLimit: 100
    - metric: iter8-knative/error-rate
      upperLimit: "0.01"

Observing metric values

During an experiment, Iter8 reports the metric values observed for each version. Use iter8ctl to observe these metric values in realtime. See here for an example.

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