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Install Iter8

Install Iter8 in your Kubernetes cluster as follows. This step requires Kustomize v3+.

# install Iter8 in the cluster
export TAG=master
kustomize build "${TAG}" | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl wait crd -l creator=iter8 --for condition=established --timeout=120s
kustomize build "${TAG}" | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all -n iter8-system

To pin Iter8 to a specific version during install, export the appropriate Iter8 tag. For example, to install version 0.7.30 of Iter8, use export TAG=0.7.30 instead of master.

Get iter8ctl

Get iter8ctl CLI on your local machine as follows. This step requires Go 1.16+.

# install iter8ctl locally
GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install

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