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Extending Iter8's Analytics Functions

Iter8's analytics functions are implemented in the iter8-analytics repo.

Python virtual environment

Use a Python 3+ virtual environment to locally develop iter8-analytics. You can create and activate a virtual environment as follows.

git clone
cd iter8-analytics
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Running iter8-analytics locally

Create and activate a Python 3+ virtual environment as described above. The following instructions have been verified in a Python 3.9 virtual environment. Run them from the root folder of your iter8-analytics local repo.

1. pip install -r requirements.txt 
2. pip install -e .
3. cd iter8_analytics
4. python 

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/docs on your browser. You can interact with the iter8-analytics service and read its API documentation here. The iter8-analytics APIs are intended to work with metric databases, and use Kubernetes secrets for obtaining the required authentication information for querying the metric DBs.

Running unit tests for iter8-analytics locally

1. pip install -r requirements.txt 
2. pip install -r test-requirements.txt
3. pip install -e .
4. coverage run --source=iter8_analytics --omit="*/" -m pytest
You can see the coverage report by opening htmlcov/index.html in your browser.

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